How to get the most out of your cocofico diffuser

How many reeds should I use?
The number of reeds required depends on the size of room you plan to fragrance. Although cocofico diffusers are supplied with seven reeds, in a bathroom or porch, I would recommend starting with five reeds and add more, should you require a stronger fragrance. In a larger room, use all seven.
How will heat affect my reed diffuser?
As reed diffusers work on air flow, a warmer room will generate more fragrance. You will find the same diffuser reacts completely differently at different times of year; during the summer months, you will achieve a greater scent throw.
How can I increase the scent throw of my cocofico reed diffuser?
As above, the warmer the room, the greater the scent throw.
I would also suggest, if possible, you place your diffuser on a coffee table or lower shelves. Again, this is due to airflow (or wafting), the more movement there is near a diffuser, the better the scent.
How long will my cocofico diffuser last?
All cocofico diffusers have been carefully trialled to last roughly three months. You may find yours last longer or slightly less. This is again due to airflow, the more airflow you have, the greater the scent but the quicker your oils will be used.
Can I refill my reed diffuser?
Yes, you absolutely can! cocofico products have been created to be reused. Simply clean out your diffuser glass with warm water and soap and allow to dry thoroughly. You can use cocofico reed diffuser refills (supplied with seven fresh reeds).